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COVID 19 Mandatory Vaccine


DISCLAIMER:  Per the FDA, nothing can cure, mitigate, prevent, or treat the coronavirus so we have to just focus on supporting the immune system. The FDA says only a future vaccine and anti-virals can be considered legitimate but nothing natural. I have seen a lot of great articles with various herbals and vitamins to take that can support the immune system but here are my favorites but not an exhaustive list. Consult with your doctor related to Coronavirus treatments as this is not intended to treat anyone.  

Vaccine Mandates >>

We support efforts for people who choose to vaccinate but we recognize that some are unable to receive them and others have philosophical or religious reasons to oppose vaccination. “Freedom” that requires a liability free medical procedure to be free is not freedom at all. 

There are concerns about the COVID 19 Vaccine being mandatory, to the degree that you have to show vaccine proof to shop/visit businesses. This is not constitutional and goes against our rights and freedoms.


There is a House bill (H558) to protect us against mandatory covid vaccines! This will be a hard fight to win so we need EVERYONE to do everything they can to help.


Here are 6 things you can do to make sure that your freedom to choose is not taken away:

  1. Send postcards weekly if you have a democrat house rep (do not send to senators yet) or a republican rep who has not assured you that he/she is on our side. If you aren't sure, email Lisa Jillani at 

  2. Call and email until you get an assurance of their support. Or until they say they won't support it. In that case, send them postcards weekly with a message focusing on constitutional rights and freedom. 

  3. It is entirely possible that there will be a march on Raleigh. PAVE does not want to wear people out going to Raleigh. PAVE will only ask that you go help by attending one time, two times max. Cooper will likely veto this bill so we have to hit hard to try to prevent this.

  4. Send weekly postcards to Cooper focusing on not allowing businesses to mandate vaccines. He has said *he* won't mandate, but that just means he WILL allow others to do so!

  5. Email the PAVE team at (if you haven't already) and give us permission to sign your name (and address, but at the very least we need a zip code) to a postcard we will send to Cooper on your behalf. It says "no mandatory covid19 vaccines."

  6. For those of you convenient to Raleigh: please try to make regular visits to the legislative building. And when you have conversations with people there, please email me so I can log it in and share with this team.

Help fight the fight for freedom! If you have questions or need additional information send an email to Lisa Jillani at

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