Infrared Sauna
Want to enhance wellbeing of body and mind?
Come relax and renew in our Infrared Sauna!
Infrared Saunas from Sunlighten™ are the most effective and clinically shown to raise core temperature, lower blood pressure and aid in weight loss and detoxification. Our Sunlighten™ Sauna also combines the healing effects of sound and vibration to harmonize all systems of the body, bringing you to a deeper state of relaxation. It is not visible to the human eye but instead felt as heat and has the ability to penetrate human tissue and raise the body’s core temperature.
Session & Package Pricing
All sauna sessions must be used within 12 months of purchase
Direct Primary Care patients receive 10% off the total price of individual sauna sessions or packages
Please see Sauna Instructions before your appointment
Single Session
ONE - 40 Minute Infrared Sauna Session
4 Sessions
FOUR - 40 Minute Infrared Sauna Sessions
8 Sessions
EIGHT - 40 Minute Infrared Sauna Sessions
20 Sessions
TWENTY - 40 Minute Infrared Sauna Sessions
Interested In Purchasing a Session or Package?
Research has proven that in order to get the most health benefit from a sauna is to use it at least 3 times a week. Try out one of our packages to get you started on regular sauna use.
Sauna Benefits
This effective, clinical backed natural infrared therapy can help you:
Pain Relief
Weight Loss
Lower Blood Pressure
Building Immunity
Muscle Recovery
Dr. Benton gives you a peek INSIDE the Sauna!
Sauna Instructions
Does insurance cover functional medicine?In selection of laboratory testing, we do try to select labs that may be covered by your insurance when possible but are not always able to do so. Again, consider this an investment of your health. If a “covered” test does not provide the information necessary to help us get to the root cause of your issues, we will not waste your time or money as it defeats the purpose of the program. Remember that the purpose of this program is to get you to optimal health and you are seeking or services based on the fact that the current system is not achieving this. Wellness and healing programs are not generally covered by insurance. We do accept Care Credit to cover Functional Medicine Programs but not DPC. You can set up your account here: https://www.carecredit.com/ Although we do not provide billing services, the patient is welcomed to submit any portions of their program that may be covered to their insurance company as consideration for reimbursement. You will be provided a spreadsheet breaking down the components of your program at the time of purchase. We are also happy to provide you with an encounter note for any face-to-face visit included in your package.
Can I use my HSA or FSA card to purchase these services?Certain services may be covered by these spending accounts. However, we encourage you to inquire with your organization for direct answers of coverage before using your card. You may also want to visit IRS.gov to obtain publications online regarding medical and dental expenses
Does my Medical Cost Share cover these services?Certain service may be covered but certainly at the discretion of your cost sharing group. Again, we encourage you to inquire with your cost sharing group on the possibility of coverage.
Resources From Sunlighten™ Sauna
Sunlighten Info:
Check out the latest from Sunlighten™ on how to boost your immune system naturally.
Frequent sauna use reduces cardiovascular disease mortality in women and men.
There are so many benefits with regular sauna use.