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  • Boosting Nitric Oxide for Heart Health. What is that?

    To understand cardiovascular health, one must understand the role of nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide plays a key role in aiding blood vessel function, blood pressure regulation, and overall heart performance. Erectile dysfunction, hypertension, changes in vision, depression or changes in memory is a sign that this may be an issue for you. Here are ways for you to learn how to shift this back to the positive! Dietary Nitrate-Rich Foods: Include nitrate-rich foods in your diet, such as leafy greens (spinach, arugula), beets, and celery.These foods are converted into nitric oxide in the body and can contribute to improved blood flow. Do NOT confuse this with nitrates in processed meats! Those are bad for you. Consume Foods Rich in L-Arginine: L-Arginine is an amino acid that serves as a precursor to nitric oxide. Incorporate foods like nuts, seeds, poultry, dairy, and legumes to boost L-Arginine levels. I prefer to not use L-arginine supplements to do this. Food is best! Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Oxidative stress can reduce nitric oxide levels. Consume fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants to combat oxidative stress. Berries, citrus fruits, and colorful vegetables are excellent choices. Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, as exercise stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Both aerobic exercises (e.g., jogging, cycling) and resistance training can be beneficial. Sun Exposure: Sunlight exposure triggers the release of nitric oxide from the skin, promoting cardiovascular health. Aim for moderate sunlight exposure, especially during the morning. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact nitric oxide production. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga. Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep, as sleep deprivation may impair nitric oxide synthesis. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Honor the circadian rhythm!  Go to sleep between 10-11 and up by 6 am.  That truly matters to honor our biological clock. Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Moderate alcohol intake may have a positive effect on nitric oxide levels. This means 1 daily drink for women and no more than 2 for men. However, excessive alcohol consumption can have adverse effects, so moderation is key. Quit Smoking: Smoking is known to reduce nitric oxide levels. Quitting smoking can improve overall cardiovascular health. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for cardiovascular health and supports the production of nitric oxide. Add in Celtic Sea salt while hydrating to support your cellular health.  It has three forms of magnesium that is critical for cardiovascular health! Avoid Mouthwash: Mouthwash kills all the germs in your mouth.  A healthy microbiome supports nitric oxide production. In conclusion, prioritizing heart health involves making lifestyle choices that promote the production of nitric oxide. By incorporating the above suggestions and adopting other healthy habits, you can contribute to better cardiovascular function. For heart health, we at Benton Integrative Medicine also recommend to practice daily gratitude, prayer, meditation, joy, child’s play, see and feel the sun daily, touch the Earth with your hands and feet, and LOVE yourself and your tribe. Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver Locations

  • Overcoming Common Sexual Health Challenges in Couples: Tips for a Healthier Marriage

    Do you love your spouse but just don’t have the desire to have sex?  There are many reasons as to why this happens; hormones, traumas, lack of interest, body image, and even micro-agressions. In this blog we will explore a few of the various challenges that could be contributing to this dilemma. Micro - Aggression "Micro” anger, or what is called “micro-aggressions” are small things someone does that make us angry and we hold that anger inside. For instance, when you say things like this about your partner: “can she just close the toothpaste lid?”, or “can he just help with the dishes sometimes?”, or “can she be more organized?” or “can he stop snoring”? Sometimes we just hold on to these resentments without realizing.  We meet with our friends and complain about our partner and lose sight of the reason we loved them in the first place.   They are still attractive, they aren’t mean so why don’t we want to have sex?  Well if we have subconscious anger, then why would we have libido? If we speak less than love about our love, then those words have power. We create our reality with words!! Now if you have a toxic marriage, then get counseling and leave if it can’t be repaired. If it isn’t beyond repair then really consider the words you use about your spouse. Start speaking love about them and to them.  Create that reality that you desire and remember why you loved each other in the first place! Parent Alone Time Now what about kids? I truly believe that it is important to have mommy and daddy private time once they are old enough. The children will feel your sacred connection and without knowing why, they will see you model a healthy marriage.  Then once or twice a month, get a baby sitter and have an extra long time to meditate into each other’s body. The “Love Sandwich” may be a solution to your low libido issue.   Set a time on your calendar daily to have a quick 10 minute love sandwich where you set intentions on the gratitude you have for your partner. Then you bring up something bothering you. The partners need to hear each other and not be defensive and maybe try to come up with a solution. Then give each other gratitude and love.  If this isn’t working then it may be worth seeing one of the many amazing therapists for relationships and sex in the area. There are therapists who help with wound healing and trauma in the most beautiful ways. Hormone Imbalance Sometimes you may have hormone imbalances that affect mood and lubrication for women and erectile dysfunction for men.  So many men put their full energy into their erections that represent their “manhood”.  When women have vaginal dryness or they are no longer fertile, they often lose their sensuality. More Than The Action Sex is so much more than intercourse!!  Sex is massage, sweet sticky notes, cooking together, cuddling during a movie, and so much more!  Foreplay all day!!  Once we recognize that our whole bodies can be sexual and sensitive, then we can continue to have amazing sex even when our bodies aren’t “performing” like when you are twenty years old. We hope some of this discussion can help you have a more fulfilling, loving and sexual life with your spouse. If you have concerns about your health or are suspicious you have hormone issues, come see us at Benton Integrative for our affordable hormone program. We also have an excellent nutrition reboot program to help people get their health on track (did you know certain foods can even lower your libido?!). We also have specialized sexual health services to naturally enhance sexual satisfaction and address various intimate health concerns for both women and men.   Also stay tuned for more of our Adult Sex Ed programs with myself and my beloved, Kyle Hall, to help bring connections to each other and learn to be creative in the most sacred way. Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver Locations

  • Exploring the Connection Between Sexual Dysfunction and Self-Love for Better Sexual Health

    Women come to me frequently for low libido and sexual dysfunction. Yes, it can be hormone related and yes there are illnesses or medications that can totally kill libido. More commonly there is a self love issue. That is when it gets really complicated! 81% of women and 43% of men report some form of sexual harassment or assault in their lifetime. Healing Sexual Dysfunction Both women and men often have their own lasting wound for various reasons but for this blog, let’s focus on women. Our sexuality and anything related is extremely personal and is a foundational safety issue for anyone! In the hippie world, this relates to the sacral and root chakras which are related to safety and sexual vitality. Those who have been violated sexually almost always have years, if not a lifetime to overcome that primal wounding. If you have fear and trauma related to this, we highly recommend various therapies to include hypnotherapy, EMDR, brain spotting, somatic experiencing or whatever aligns with you and your belief system. Many people go on to have healthy sexual lives and it is best to work on your healing to enjoy the sexual vitality you want. Loving Your Partner Sometimes I find that women (quite frankly men as well) don’t either love their spouse anymore or they feel their spouse doesn’t love them. For great sex, it helps to love the person you are with or at least have amazing chemistry together. Go to individual AND marriage therapy to get to the bottom of this if you want to get past this quagmire. Marriage therapy often does not help without deep individual work. These generations are breaking generational traumas and conditioning like no other in modern history! Work on yourself and your marriage to get that wild abandoned sex! Trust In Your Partner Trust is key for adventurous sex and trust can be diminished in many ways. You can have your own personal trauma with cheaters (either partners or watching your parents) that keeps you from trusting your honest non-cheating partner or maybe your gut is correct that your partner is cheating. Unless you have the agreement to be polyamorous, then this lack of trust can totally ruin the libido and trust to explore. Also make sure you don’t agree to polyamory if you really don’t want to. Be true to yourself! Loving Yourself You need to love yourself. I find that women are their own worst enemy. Women are often ashamed of their body and they won’t even look at themselves. If you have stretch marks or scars from childbirth, I encourage you to look at your body in the mirror, naked and look at yourself and declare your love for this human body for birthing another human. Recognize with admiration the miracle that worked through your body. If you have loss related to scarring on your body, speak love to that part of you that taught you hard things but that you are still here strong and amazing! If you hate that flabby skin or that cellulite, just know that magazines are airbrushed and most people have that too. Tell your whole body that you love it and when you put lotion on after your shower, speak love through your hands into your body from your toes to your head! It is hard to feel sexually adventurous when you don’t love yourself. Remember that there is literally no one like you in the whole universe, yet God chose to make one of you to be here to do important things in this world. Get a mirror out and love yourself radically! Bedroom Set and Setting If your room is full of clutter and dirty laundry, it is hard to feel sexy. I encourage you to keep your room clean, avoid working in there. Avoid watching TV or anything stressful on your phones. If we are watching the stressful news that is meant to keep us afraid and angry, it will be hard to relax. Light some (non-toxic ) candles. Make your bed. Dim the lighting or have fun LED lighting. Play some funky music or some soulful music or some calming music. Consider your setting when planning for a fun date night! If you need ideas, there is an entertaining show on Netflix called “ How to build a sex room” for conservative couples all the way to the most exotic explorers! And sure, check your hormones if you are concerned. If you have severe vaginal dryness, we can help you with that. We provide natural therapies for hormone health and have modalities like Femiwave to help women with the physical side of things like dryness, pain, and decreased sensitivity. Those procedures and treatments do amazing things but always consider the basics and you will have way more success having fun in the bedroom! The resources are limitless! We believe the Creator made our bodies for Divine connection as our bodies are also made for Divine healing. Reach out to Benton Integrative Medicine for Women's Sexual Health and Men's Sexual Health. We are here to help. Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver Locations

  • Revitalizing Health using Human Cell Tissue for Joint Regeneration and More

    When we say that there is Divine healing in our bodies, there really is. Science is helping us to find those pearls in our bodies and human cell tissues is the next frontier. We are revitalizing our health by using human cell tissue to regenerate joints and many other health issues. The Basics of Human Cell Tissue Human cell tissue therapy seeks to harness the body's natural healing abilities by introducing healthy cells into damaged or degenerated tissues. Human cell tissue can be used to repair and regenerate damaged cartilage, ligaments, and other structures within the joint when injected directly into the joint capsules. We can use PRP (platelet rich plasma) which uses our own cells or cells from carefully screened donors to extract growth factors. Potentially it is better to use human cell tissue from young healthy donors for the elderly or people with comorbidities. As we age and develop more health conditions, we have less growth factors and less healthy plasma, therefore the need of healthy donors. Exosomes: Tiny Messengers of Regeneration Exosomes are small, membrane-bound vesicles that are an important ingredient in these regenerative products. They hold great promise due to their ability to modulate inflammation, promote tissue repair, and stimulate regeneration. When used in joint injections, they seem to target injured areas and people can often regain full or partial use of those joints. I have had patients be able to run marathons after having injections with human cell tissues with no adverse effects! On occasion some may feel achy a day or two following the treatments but most feel no ill effects. Some people choose to have a “Wellness” injection that is given intramuscularly and so many have told me their joint pains improved overall or they had more energy.  More studies are needed there too! Benefits of Human Cell Tissue and Exosome Therapy for Joint Regeneration Reduced Inflammation: Exosomes have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate pain and swelling associated with joint conditions. Tissue Regeneration: Human cell tissue introduces healthy cells to the damaged area, promoting the regeneration of tissues such as cartilage and ligaments. Minimally Invasive: Compared to surgical interventions, joint injections with human cell tissue and exosomes are minimally invasive, offering a quicker recovery and reduced risk of complications. Personalized Medicine: Utilizing the patient's own cells or carefully screened donor cells ensures a personalized and potentially more effective treatment approach. Challenges and Future Directions We need to understand that this is still a new form of medicine that is still in its infancy.  As we learn more, it will become a part of precision and personalized medicine.  For now, if you want to avoid surgery and regain vitality, this is an option being used around the world! Thankful for the medicine in our own bodies for healing! Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver Locations

  • Stay Healthy While Traveling: Holistic Health Tips for Your Next Trip

    It is the WORST when traveling and you are puking in the middle of the night from a stomach bug in a hotel, or you have horrible reflux and all the stores are closed. This blog features my best holistic health tips to help you stay healthy when traveling in the US and abroad. Along with these remedies, I have had enough traveler’s illnesses that I do like to have a Zofran Rx handy when possible. They are really cheap but can cause terrible constipation so be careful there! Here are some holistic health tips to help you stay healthy when traveling: Boost Your Immune System Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Stay hydrated with clean, filtered water. Consider immune-boosting supplements such as vitamin C, and echinacea. When traveling by plane, I take Briotech spray and spray it in my nose 1-2 times near the end of the flight or you can get Xlear Nasal Spray at any pharmacy that kills germs too. Also I personally get a really dry nose in the plane and use Calendula ointment. Herbal Remedies Peppermint or ginger tea can help soothe digestive issues. I find it best to carry a small herbal first aid kit with remedies like arnica for bruising, calendula for skin irritations, and ginger for nausea. We have all three of these remedies available for purchase in a Herbal First Aid Kit bundle through FullScripts. Probiotics Probiotics can support digestive health, which is crucial when exposed to new foods and environments. Some evidence suggests you can avoid traveler’s diarrhea if you take higher doses when in high risk areas. Essential Oils There are many essential oil brands on the market. Our preference for best quality is Young Living Essential Oils. Lavender oil can be calming and help with sleep. It can also help with itches! Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties and can be used for minor cuts or skin issues. Sometimes I use this inside my nose when I don’t have other remedies. Peppermint oil can aid digestion, relieve headaches, and even help nasal allergies (put a tiny bit just under your nose, not inside your nose). The Peppermint Oil GI is a nice oral formulation to use. Constipation and diarrhea remedies Many people get constipated when traveling due to stress. Do regular deep breathing and manage your stress but I like to take the ColonRx. If you are getting the “rumbles” and worried about food poisoning, start the activated charcoal every few hours. If you can, mix it in apple sauce and add probiotics every few hours. You may just head it off! Stay Active Engage in light exercise, such as stretching or yoga, to help alleviate travel-related stiffness. Hydration and Electrolytes Coconut water or electrolyte-rich drinks can help prevent dehydration. We have LMNT packets at Benton Integrative Medicine that are handy to carry. Mind-Body Practices Practice mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing to reduce stress. Sun Protection Use natural sunscreens or cover up with clothing to protect your skin from the sun. Check out the Environmental Working Group (EWG) for good sunscreens. I personally use Burn Out. Stay Well-Rested Ensure you get enough sleep to support your overall well-being. Adaptogens Consider adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha or rhodiola to help your body adapt to stress. I really like the Adrenal Complex by Designs for Health when having more stressful travel. Acupressure Learn some basic acupressure points for common ailments such as headaches or nausea. Stay Informed Research potential health risks at your destination and take appropriate precautions. Remember, these holistic approaches are meant to complement, not replace, conventional medical care. Always consult with a healthcare professional before trying new supplements or making significant changes to your health routine, especially when traveling to new and unfamiliar places. Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver locations

  • Detoxify Your Body For Your Health

    We live in a toxic soup! Although our bodies are created to detoxify, I am not so sure we were built to overcome this level of toxins that have been grandfathered in by the EPA. Did you know tens of thousands of chemicals were grandfathered in that do not require a study on health effects? I do believe our health can improve through simple measures to overcome this assault on our bodies. Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins from the body, allowing it to function optimally. Our bodies naturally detoxify through organs like the liver, kidneys, and skin, but modern lifestyles and environmental contamination can overload these systems. By minimizing your toxin exposure by using nontoxic cleaning products, eating fresh organic food, avoiding plastics when possible, your body can tap in to Divine design and heal while using these simple methods here! If you have eczema, autoimmune disease, allergies or findings on your blood work like eosinophils, I do think it may be worth doing a parasite cleanse first prior to this nutritional detoxification. See my blog on parasite cleanses to consider first. Also, if you have complicated health issues, we encourage you to discuss with your doctor first before doing a detox. Hydration Drinking an adequate amount of water is fundamental to the detox process. Water helps flush out toxins, improves digestion, and keeps the body functioning at its best. Use filtered or Reverse Osmosis water. If you use Reverse Osmosis water, you need to add minerals via sea salts or mineral supplements like the DFH Complete Mineral Complex. Nutrient-Rich Diet Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals supports the body's detox pathways. Include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to provide essential nutrients. My rule of thumb is that if you can’t pluck it out of the earth, off a tree, kill it or milk it, don’t eat or drink it. Eat real food. Herbal Teas and Detoxifying Foods Certain herbs and foods, such as green tea, dandelion, milk thistle, and cilantro, have natural detoxifying properties. Incorporating these into your diet can enhance the body's ability to eliminate toxins. Eat from the rainbow, meaning fruits and vegetables with all the colors of the rainbow. Detox supplements Three basic supplements can help a gentle detox but should be done ideally with a provider who understands detoxification pathways. Your gut health should be stable first. If not, go see your holistic healthcare provider. Designs for Health has the Charcoal binder with zeolite, the LV-GB which is the liver and gallbladder support, and the S-acetyl Glutathione Synergy for the antioxidant detox support. These should provide a seamless detox. If you don’t feel well on these, you start at the lowest dosage and move up slowly. You can purchase these supplments as a Purchase the Detox Bundle at Designs For Health. Lymphatic massage We highly recommend you find a good lymphatic massage therapist to help you during this venture. We don’t give our lymphatics enough credit for our health. If you are local to us in the North Charlote area, we really love Julie Jetzer. She can do thermogram images before and after detox and lymphatic massage to track progress objectively. Sauna Therapy Saunas have been used for centuries in various cultures for their therapeutic benefits. Whether it's a traditional dry sauna or an infrared sauna, the heat generated induces sweating, promoting a range of health benefits. Check out my Health Benefits of Sauna blog for more information on the all the many benefits of Sauna. It's not just for detoxification. Take a look at our Sauna packages and book yours today by calling the office 704-775-6029 and setting up an appointment. Detoxification Through Sweating Sweating is one of the most effective ways to eliminate toxins from the body. Saunas elevate your core body temperature, prompting a deep sweat that expels impurities through the skin. Relaxation and Stress Reduction Sauna sessions provide a tranquil environment, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. It is a great time to meditate and listen to your favorite frequencies. The heat soothes muscles, releases tension, and triggers the release of endorphins, contributing to an overall sense of well-being. Rinse off in the shower after to feel fresh to go back into the world! Improved Circulation The heat from saunas dilates blood vessels, leading to increased circulation. This helps deliver more oxygen to the body's tissues, promoting better nutrient absorption and aiding in the elimination of waste products. Combining the practices of detoxification, lymphatic massage and sauna therapy can be a powerful way to enhance your overall well-being. By adopting a healthy, nutrient-rich diet and incorporating regular sauna sessions into your routine, you can support your body's natural detoxification processes and experience the benefits of these time-tested practices. Prioritize self-care and give your body the attention it deserves for a healthier, more balanced life. For you parents, your children need to see you practice self-care too! If you have more complicated detoxification pathways like methylation issues, severe chemical sensitivities, medicine intolerances, or you have a lot of medical issues, it is worth seeking your local functional medicine provider to navigate this complex health issues. We would love to see you at Benton Integrative Medicine for exploration of health optimization! Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver locations

  • Health Benefits of Sauna Use

    Saunas have been cherished for centuries in various cultures around the world as places of relaxation and rejuvenation. Beyond their reputation for posh retreats, saunas offer a multitude of health benefits that can improve your overall well-being. Let’s discuss how sauna use benefits health: Stress Reduction The heat and calming ambiance of a sauna are perfect for relieving stress and promoting relaxation. As your body absorbs the warmth, your muscles relax, and your mind unwinds, releasing endorphins that create a sense of tranquility. Stress reduction in saunas can enhance your mental well-being and promote a more balanced, peaceful state of mind. Improved Circulation The intense heat in saunas causes your blood vessels to dilate, leading to improved circulation. This increased blood flow carries more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and vital organs, helping to boost your overall cardiovascular health. Regular sauna use may contribute to lower blood pressure and a decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Muscle and Joint Pain Relief Saunas are effective in alleviating muscle and joint pain. The heat encourages the release of endorphins, your feel good hormones, and relaxes your muscles helping with discomfort. People with conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or sore muscles from exercise may find significant relief through sauna therapy. Detoxification Sweating is your body's natural way of removing toxins, and saunas help intensify this process. As you perspire in a sauna, your body eliminates waste products, heavy metals, and impurities through your sweat. Detoxification can lead to healthier, clearer skin and a lighter feeling overall. For more information on Detoxification check out my Detoxify Your Body For Your Health blog and take advantage of our Detox Supplements Bundle at Designs For Health. Weight Management While saunas alone are not a weight loss solution, they can be a valuable component of a weight management program. The increased heart rate and calorie burning during a sauna session can support your fitness goals, particularly when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Respiratory Health Sauna sessions can be especially beneficial for those with respiratory issues, such as asthma and chronic bronchitis. The warm, humid environment can help clear congestion, reduce inflammation, and provide relief to your airways, making it easier to breathe. Improved Skin Health Saunas have a positive impact on your skin's health. Sweating opens up your pores, removing impurities and dead skin cells. The increased blood flow to the skin also promotes a youthful, healthy complexion, and many sauna enthusiasts report clearer and more vibrant skin as a result. Enhanced Immune Function Regular sauna use can strengthen your immune system by increasing your body's production of white blood cells. This can help you resist common illnesses and recover more quickly when you do get sick. Mental Clarity and Relaxation Saunas offer a quiet, tranquil setting where you can escape the demands of everyday life. The mental relaxation experienced in a sauna can improve your focus, mental clarity, and overall mood. Saunas provide a ton of health benefits that can enhance your well-being. From stress reduction and improved circulation to detoxification and pain relief, saunas offer a holistic approach to wellness. At Benton Integrative Medicine, we have a relaxing sauna with sessions that can be purchased individually or in packages. We also have a shower to rinse off so you can get right back to work! Check out our website for sauna packages that are a great complement to our holistic services for sexual health, medspas, as well as integrative health services like Functional Medicine, Hormone health, and Direct Primary Care services. We are located in Huntersville, just north of Charlotte in a very convenient location! Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver locations

  • The Power of Parasite Cleanses: A Holistic Approach to Health

    Parasite cleanses have been a hot topic in recent years. I was skeptical at first and looked for hard proof before doing these. This would be considered controversial in mainstream medicine, however, I learned that so many people felt better regardless and the risks were low so why not listen to those feeling better! I did one myself recently and felt a big difference in my energy level even though I never saw actual parasites. So here is some information so you can do this at home. Before delving into the concept of a parasite cleanse, it's essential to understand what parasites are. Parasites are organisms that live off another organism (the host) at the host's expense. They can infect various parts of the human body, including the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and even the bloodstream. Common parasites that affect humans include Giardia, roundworms, tapeworms, and pinworms. They can hide and be hard to find at times but sometimes you can find them on functional medicine stool tests or you can see “eosinophilia” on blood work. It is a bonus to find that hard proof prior to doing a cleanse. Why Consider a Parasite Cleanse? Health and Well-being The presence of parasites in the body can lead to a variety of health issues, including digestive problems, fatigue, skin disorders, autoimmune diseases and even allergies. A parasite cleanse is believed to help eliminate these unwelcome guests and restore the body's natural balance. Enhanced Digestive Health Many parasites reside in the gastrointestinal tract, where they can disrupt the digestive process. Cleansing the body of these invaders may improve digestion and alleviate symptoms like bloating and diarrhea. Increased Energy Levels Parasites can sap your energy by robbing you of essential nutrients. Removing them from your system can result in increased vitality and well-being. Skin Health Some skin conditions, such as acne and eczema, are believed to be related to parasites. A cleanse may help improve skin health by removing these potential culprits. Immune System Support A robust immune system is crucial for maintaining overall health. Parasites can compromise the immune system's effectiveness, making it more susceptible to infections. By eliminating parasites, your body can better defend itself against external threats. How to Do a Parasite Cleanse Consult a Healthcare Professional Disclaimer that I am not your treating physician and ideally you will seek someone you know to support you in this adventure! See someone holistic that is trained in this. Choose a Cleanse Protocol There are numerous parasite cleanse protocols available, including herbal remedies, dietary changes, and over-the-counter supplements. We have put together a protocol that would work best for this type of cleanse. This plan utilizes 3 supplements available at Designs For Health (our supplement partner): CHARCOAL PLUS BINDER LV-GB COMPLEX™ GI MICROB-X™ Purchase Parasite Cleanse Supplement Bundle at Designs For Health Directions: Do one bottle’s worth (which is about a month) of each supplement Then take a 2 week break Then repeat one more month Consider doing this one month per year after the initial cleanse. Diatomaceous Earth - 1 tsp twice daily in food. Don’t inhale the silica particles into your lungs! Maintain a Healthy Diet Incorporate whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, into your diet. Avoid processed and sugary foods, as parasites often thrive on sugar. Stay Hydrated Drinking plenty of water helps flush toxins from your body, supporting the cleanse. Herbal Remedies Some herbal remedies, such as black walnut, wormwood, and cloves, are believed to have anti-parasitic properties and can be used as part of your cleanse. Lifestyle Modifications Practicing good hygiene, washing your hands regularly, and cooking meat thoroughly can help prevent future parasite infestations. Mineral Support Minerals are critical. You can get them in the form of Himalayan Sole or take a daily supplement called Complete Mineral Complex If you feel you don’t detox well Meaning you react to a lot of medicines or chemicals, then consider adding the S-Acetyl Glutathione supplement daily along with the LV-GB complex year round. Coffee Ground Enemas Sounds crazy and took me 5 years to be willing to try this but this helps with detox as well. It isn’t required for the parasite cleanse but I did this once weekly while doing mine and I appreciated the results of more energy and my abdomen felt lighter. I would not recommend doing this more than once weekly unless there is a specific indication. Check out more information from GERSON In Conclusion Parasite cleanses may offer numerous potential benefits for your health and well-being, but it's essential to approach them with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Remember that not all health issues are related to parasites, so a proper diagnosis is crucial. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and good hygiene practices, is essential in preventing future infestations. Whether you choose to embark on a parasite cleanse or not, focusing on overall wellness should always be a priority. Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver locations

  • Back To School Health

    We know what happens when kids get back to school, right? New colds, strep throat and missed days from school seem to be inevitable for some kids. Try these tips to keep your kids healthy. Also know that getting sick sometimes stimulates the immune system, so it is a rite of passage for some. Quick List to Stay Healthy: Frequently wash hands Rinse sinuses Avoid sugar Get natural Vitamin D Get regular exercise Take supplements like cod liver oil, vitamin C, and elderberry syrup Run humidifiers Hand washing is key but you should avoid antibacterial soaps and gels. Good ole' soap will do and not result in antibacterial resistance like some of those modern anti germ rinses . When your kids get home from school, after hand washing, rinse out the sinuses with a gentle nasal spray like Simply Saline. When flu or other stronger germs are circulating, use Xlear in addition to the saline rinse to really kill off germs. However, you should not use Xlear year round. It's important to remember that we need to live in harmony with germs rather than consider them our enemy. If we can balance our health and environment, they pose less of a risk to us. Avoid or minimize sugar as sugar alone impairs your immune system. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, have them play outside (bare feet are even better ) and enjoy some sunshine. The vitamin D from the sun is the best kind. Regular exercise (but not excessive) helps support the immune system as well. Fresh garlic in high doses is amazing for strep throat and other sources of sore throats. I was surprised to see how well it helped folks with COVID too! Supplements that can help are cod liver oil (my favorite is Rosita brand for safety and quality) and if really deficient, you can use vitamin D3 with vitamin K2. Never take vitamin D3 alone but ideally focus on the sun and cod liver oil for your sources of D as they are safer and your body knows what to do with those. Elderberry syrup like Sweet’s Syrup or homemade is amazing for allergies and flu prevention as well as treatment. It also tastes yummy. Keep vitamin C handy but preferably buffered of liposomal versions because they are absorbed better. When sick you can dose vitamin C every 1-2 hours until it upsets your stomach. You can also dose vitamin D higher as well for a few days but talk to your holistic provider about the right dose for your age and conditions. Humidifiers are also awesome because viruses don’t do well in humid air. The trick is to not let your humidifier get moldy so get one with a blue light to kill mold or use 1/8-1/4 cup of peroxide in the water. I personally will let the mist with peroxide get into my nose which kills germs fast and my cold goes away in no time! Let’s enjoy this school year and so thankful that we don’t have to fear germs. We just need to focus on our health and environment to be at peace with it all. Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville and Denver locations

  • Habits and Holistic Health

    Healthcare trends are changing. In particular, there’s a greater focus on holistic health today because patients are seeking alternative medicine procedures and focusing on their overall wellness. A study on healthcare professionals’ ability to deliver holistic care concluded that the rate is high, although there’s still progress needed to satisfy patients. This is why there have been studies applying the holistic health care model to medical education. And in turn, this is changing how healthcare is being taught at higher education institutions. Those with a healthcare management degree are now equipped with modern strategic healthcare insights to provide a wider range of care. And today this includes holistic healthcare. Of course, you don’t need to visit a professional to practice holistic health. It is very easy to do so on your own. Below are a few habits to get you started. Get regular checkups Being proactive is part of upholding holistic health. This means you don’t wait for a disease to appear before engaging in healthy practices. One habit that reflects this is getting regular checkups. It allows the doctor to assess your health and suggest improvements. For instance, they may recommend changing your eating habits for fluctuating weight issues. Regular checkups guarantee that you remain healthy. It’s an avenue where you can ask questions regarding healthy practices for your current state and preventive measures to avoid any health risks. Regular checkups include dental, skin, and cancer screenings because holistic health emphasizes well-being as a whole. Acquire sufficient sleep Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. Sleep is a measure of cardiovascular health because people who lack sleep have a higher chance of developing heart conditions. Regarding mental health, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep—the deepest stage of sleep—is when the brain processes emotions and information. This is only achieved when you get enough sleep. If the brain fails to do this, it negatively impacts your mental health and behavior. Given this, get 8 hours of sleep nightly. Turn off your phone and TV, so you don’t get distracted from resting. It may also help to limit the amount of light in your room to increase the feeling of drowsiness. Sufficient sleep is vital to your physical and mental well-being. Refine your diet What you consume affects the way your body and mind work. This is why holistically improving your diet is a must. One way to do so is by seeking the help of a holistic practitioner. Their background in holistic medicine and nutrition enables them to recommend specific diet changes for better health. Holistic practitioners studied different techniques to help patients attain optimal wellness. They’ll analyze your condition, determine what food (or lack thereof) causes imbalances, and make dietary suggestions. Before consulting a holistic practitioner, kickstart better eating habits by eating the rainbow. Consume different colors of fruits and vegetables to get as many nutrients as possible. Switching to a holistic diet is a habit that will benefit your overall health. Spend time in nature The American Psychological Association found that nature improves a person’s mental and social health. People who live in areas with green spaces have a reduced risk of developing mental illnesses like depression and mood disorders. Contact with nature also increases positive social interactions, which sharpens memory and cognitive skills for better brain health. While these are all good habits for holistic health, they’ll only be effective if you remain consistent. Remember that your path to optimal well-being is about progression and not perfection, so be kind to yourself if you don’t reach your holistic goals immediately. Feature penned by Annmarie Kate Vance for Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029

  • Heal Our Souls

    It is time to face our PTSD from the last two years and center ourselves again relative to our immune systems and minor illnesses. Most everyone knows someone or of someone who has died from this terrible virus or has been affected by Long Covid. Now it is time to remember that all pandemics come to an end regardless of vaccine status within 1-3 years and we have already seen the virus get less dangerous. This is wonderful news for all of us. We also know that we can support the immune system and use a multi drug combo to support people when sick so this is not hopeless. We especially need to help children overcome this time as many children are fearful when anyone gets sick. If they get sick, we need to love on them and cuddle with them because they need it for their little souls. Stress and fear make illness worse so let’s start back to basics of love, cuddles, chicken soup, warm baths, humidifiers, vitamin C/elderberry. Check out my first aid kit. Think back to your own childhood memories of the cuddles, chicken soup, and popsicles when you were sick. These were usually good memories that we need to remember in dealing with illness post covid. If you were treated badly or ignored when you were sick, then let’s try to reframe that to help create safe and sweet memories for our children. We can do this by creating rituals related to healing like warm baths, lotion massages, chicken soup while watching cartoons and cuddling in bed at night. I always remember getting to eat Campbell’s Chicken Soup and drinking Coca cola and thinking it was such a treat even if we may choose healthier options these days. Healing happens when we are optimistic but has the opposite effect if we are living in fear or having a lot of stress. Those are the placebo and the nocebo effects. Placebo works up to 40% of the time in studies and that is dismissed by current medical dogma, but I see that as Divine Design that Uncle Joe and Aunt Betty can heal just because they believe they will be healed by that pill. Imagine if they can do that without training or intention, imagine what we can do with intention of healing. The nocebo effect is when you think you will have a bad outcome, you probably will. Let’s honor that placebo effect and move forward with optimism. Children get sick and that is a normal and important part of childhood as it is an exercise for the immune system. Let’s be proactive in creating safe memories for them and support them through these common childhood situations. We know as parents that we have to make some sacrifices of comfort but we too can frame this as an opportunity to create those sweet memories when our children grow up. Time to heal our souls! Sincerely, Dr. Benton Benton Integrative Medicine 704-775-6029 Huntersville, Denver and Charlotte locations

  • What to do for allergies?

    There are fortunately many options for allergies these days from prescription medicines, over the counter medicines, herbals, essential oils, homeopathy, nutrition and more. Over The Counter Over the counter medicines like Allegra, Zyrtec, and Claritin are accessible and affordable. Plus, these medications have a low risk of side effects as well. Benadryl is a classic but can cause sedation and memory issues if taken long term. However, it is excellent for serious allergic reactions if you need help fast. Herbals & Supplements My favorite herbal product is Natural D Hist but there are other brands with similar ingredients. It has Stinging nettles, quercitin, bromelain, vitamin C and N-acetyl-cysteine which I consider to be a miracle supplement as it has many benefits like thinning mucus , liver and kidney protection and also increases glutathione which is one of the body’s most potent antioxidants. Remember to do the loading dose and try it before allergy season starts. Honey Local honey is like yummy painless allergy shots. Bees use the pollen to make the honey so that gives us small doses that seem to help the body like immunotherapy. Pollen allergies should continue to get better if you do this year round. If you have fall allergies then try to get the honey collected during that time. Get to know your local bee keeper so they can let you know when the proper honey you need is collected. Elderberry We love elderberry syrup around here and have wonderful brands like Sweet’s Syrup and others made by local moms. Apparently it is pretty easy to make yourself. It has a lot of vitamin C which helps allergies but most include honey which also helps allergies. Sweet's Syrup uses raw, local honey to help your immune system develop antibodies to fight off the seasonal irritants that are in bloom. Elderberry actually has quite the list of good studies to back up the claims. Essential Oils Peppermint, lavender and lemon oils combined are AMAZING for allergies. Some people put 3-4 drops of each into gelatin capsules that you can purchase online and some put the edible kind into a tea to drink 1-2 times daily. You can also put peppermint oil on your finger tip and place just below (but not inside) your nose when you need help with an acute exposure. Be sure to dilute Peppermint oil with a carrier oil like coconut, olive or avocado oil as not to burn the skin. For kids, you can put some lavender inside the cheeks and the nose topically but you can put the oils in a tea for them to drink with honey. Again make sure you are using the edible essential oils and not the ones to use topically. Homeopathy There are various homeopathic remedies over the counter to consider. Homeopathy is amazing and safe but if it doesn't seem to be working for you then you may need to see a homeopath. Homeopathy is truly an art due to how it is prescribed. Check out the book Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine by Dooley ND, MD for a quick primer on how homeopathy works. However, it can be complicated to figure out on your own. Nutrition Tips When it comes to allergies it is important to avoid inflammatory foods like sugar. Other foods to pay attention to are dairy and wheat. Dairy is a mucus maker so we definitely want less snot! Most people don’t realize that wheat is a grass. If you have allergies to grasses, either eliminate wheat completely from your diet or just eliminate it during your allergy season. Other Tips For year round allergies, consider getting allergy testing, removing carpets from your house, get good quality HEPA filters for the rooms you spend most of your time in, and rule out mold in your house. Hope these tips help to help you enjoy your year! Sincerely, Dr. Cammy Benton MD IFMCP, ABIHM Benton Integrative Medicine 16415 Northcross Drive Suite C Huntersville, NC 28078 704-775-6029

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