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Writer's pictureCammy Benton MD

Habits and Holistic Health

Eating Healthy
[Photography Credit: Pablo Merchán Montes via Unsplash]

Healthcare trends are changing. In particular, there’s a greater focus on holistic health today because patients are seeking alternative medicine procedures and focusing on their overall wellness. A study on healthcare professionals’ ability to deliver holistic care concluded that the rate is high, although there’s still progress needed to satisfy patients. This is why there have been studies applying the holistic health care model to medical education. And in turn, this is changing how healthcare is being taught at higher education institutions. Those with a healthcare management degree are now equipped with modern strategic healthcare insights to provide a wider range of care. And today this includes holistic healthcare. Of course, you don’t need to visit a professional to practice holistic health. It is very easy to do so on your own.

Below are a few habits to get you started.

Get regular checkups

Being proactive is part of upholding holistic health. This means you don’t wait for a disease to appear before engaging in healthy practices. One habit that reflects this is getting regular checkups. It allows the doctor to assess your health and suggest improvements. For instance, they may recommend changing your eating habits for fluctuating weight issues. Regular checkups guarantee that you remain healthy. It’s an avenue where you can ask questions regarding healthy practices for your current state and preventive measures to avoid any health risks. Regular checkups include dental, skin, and cancer screenings because holistic health emphasizes well-being as a whole.

Acquire sufficient sleep

Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. Sleep is a measure of cardiovascular health because people who lack sleep have a higher chance of developing heart conditions. Regarding mental health, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep—the deepest stage of sleep—is when the brain processes emotions and information. This is only achieved when you get enough sleep. If the brain fails to do this, it negatively impacts your mental health and

behavior. Given this, get 8 hours of sleep nightly. Turn off your phone and TV, so you don’t get distracted from resting. It may also help to limit the amount of light in your room to increase the feeling of drowsiness. Sufficient sleep is vital to your physical and mental well-being.

Refine your diet

What you consume affects the way your body and mind work. This is why holistically improving your diet is a must. One way to do so is by seeking the help of a holistic practitioner. Their background in holistic medicine and nutrition enables them to recommend specific diet changes for better health. Holistic practitioners studied different techniques to help patients attain optimal wellness. They’ll analyze your condition, determine what food (or lack thereof) causes

imbalances, and make dietary suggestions. Before consulting a holistic practitioner, kickstart better eating habits by eating the rainbow. Consume different colors of fruits and vegetables to get as many nutrients as possible. Switching to a holistic diet is a habit that will benefit your

overall health.

Spend time in nature

The American Psychological Association found that nature improves a person’s mental and social health. People who live in areas with green spaces have a reduced risk of developing mental illnesses like depression and mood disorders. Contact with nature also increases positive social interactions, which sharpens memory and cognitive skills for better brain health.

While these are all good habits for holistic health, they’ll only be effective if you remain consistent. Remember that your path to optimal well-being is about progression and not perfection, so be kind to yourself if you don’t reach your holistic goals immediately.

Feature penned by Annmarie Kate Vance



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